This is so thoughtful, Kate. Thank you for sharing it with us!

P.S. “Maddygirl! You…stay.”

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I loved your speech and your sensitive intro to it. Bravo. You gave me words to help explain my love of the genre.

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Thank you for sharing your speech with all of us! Your writing is always so lovely and thoughtful. Clearly we all owe Alicia a beverage for nudging you to do it 😊

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This was such a wonderful and nourishing read. Thank you for discussing the genre, and living in the world right now, so thoughtfully. ❤️

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You have such a way with words!

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THANK YOU for providing this transcript. Although I was there, I am hearing impaired, and even with my speech-to-text app, ballroom audio does not always work for me. Now I have a terrific souvenir to print out! You also signed a book for me minutes before the book signing event started, and you were absolutely a joy to meet. So no worries there, Kate! On behalf of Chicago North, thank you for speaking at our conference.

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Wow. In addition to some heart hugs, I’ve just added a stack of books to my TBR list. Lovely speech!

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Kate. This is so beautiful, I’ve got tears in my eyes as I type. I’m so proud to read this genre, to love this genre. Thank you for sharing your speech 💕

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Thank you for sharing your speech, Kate! The scribbles in my notebook didn't do your words justice, so I'm glad to have them in full. (And I think we both agree that Alicia is a genius)

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Kate 🥺🥺🥺

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